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field trips

A great benefit of membership in NWNARGS is the opportunity to participate in expert-led hikes and field trips around Washington State. These trips offer rare chances to see some of the stunning native plants of our area in their natural setting. The hikes range in difficulty from easy to moderate, and are primarily conducted at a slow, botanizing pace.


(Please note that the list of hikes below are proposals based on hikes from past years - factors such as weather, bloom times of specific species, and chapter member interest will determine which hikes are undertaken. If you are interested in a specific hike, please click the email notification link available on each hike's detail page.)


Difficulty: Easy to Moderate

Distance: 2 to 3 miles

Elevation gain: About 300 to 400 feet

Possible flower highlights: (see complete list on details page)

Difficulty: Easy

Possible flower highlights: (see complete list on details page)


This field trip will take place April 21, 2018, timing and meet up location to be determined based on participants. Email Alex for more information.

2018 June Hike


2018 July Hike


2018 August Hike


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photo by Saori Cretin

pictures from some of our past field trips

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Copyright © 2016-2024 The Northwestern Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society (NWNARGS). All rights reserved.

All graphics, pictures, and content are copyrighted and protected by US and international law. Use, reproduction, or modification in any manner without written permission is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest  extent of the law. | Site created and maintained by Saori and Kevin Cretin

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