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plant sales


Our chapter has two plant sales a year, spring and fall, where our members bring interesting and rare plants they've grown and make them available for sale. A must for plant collectors and rare plant afficiandos alike! Members also make themselves available to answer questions and give advice on how to grow and maintain these gems. Our spring plant sale is open to the public at the Bellevue Botanical Garden.


All proceeds from our plant sales benefit the ongoing educational mission of the Northwestern Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society.


Details of individual sales will be posted as their dates approach. If you live in or near the greater Seattle area, and would like to be notified about our upcoming public plant sales, please subscribe to our plant sale notification. Never miss another great sale!


photo by Lynn Schueler

  • Our spring plant sale will be April 13th, 2024, at the Bellevue Botanical Garden and is open to the public.  Click HERE for details!

pictures from some of our past plant sales

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Copyright © 2016-2024 The Northwestern Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society (NWNARGS). All rights reserved.

All graphics, pictures, and content are copyrighted and protected by US and international law. Use, reproduction, or modification in any manner without written permission is prohibited and will be prosecuted to the fullest  extent of the law. | Site created and maintained by Saori and Kevin Cretin

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