Our November 10, 2016, chapter meeting at the CUH will feature our annual members' potluck dinner, with guest speakers Kelly Dodson and Sue Milliken from Far Reaches Farm. Social time begins at 6.30 pm, dinner is at 7.00 pm.
Kelly and Sue will be presenting a fabulous and entertaining travelogue of their 2015 plant hunting trip to China. Should be a hoot!
This meeting will also feature our annual members' potluck dinner! Please bring a dish to share, and $5 to help us defray costs.
This year we will also be continuing the tradition of the brown bag auction started by Dianne Fincham. Raffle tickets will be available at the meeting for the low, low price of six for $5 or 13 for $10. Deposit a ticket in the brown bag for your choice of prize. Or throw caution to the winds, and put all your bets in one bag! Help benefit the chapter and maybe win some exciting prizes!
Also, as a special treat, Ron Ratko will be selling seeds he collected on his recent trip to California!
See you there!