NARGS seed packaging party Sunday 12/4 10 am to 4 pm
Third Place Commons
17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park
(gather at the big tables near the cafe on the upper level)
Please RSVP to
It's time to package seeds for the national rock garden seed exchange. Come help for a few hours, stay all day, even take a few dozen taxa home with you if you are an old hand at seed ID. Terri will start setting up at 9 am, and a few people stay until 5 or 6 pm each year.
NARGS' annual seed exchange is a huge benefit of membership and one of the primary reasons many people join in the first place. It's also a huge volunteer effort and major fundraiser. Remember, seed packaging volunteers get priority status for their seed list choices, just like seed donors do.
The seeds, glassines, gluestick, pens, paper plates and tools and instructions for sorting will be provided. However, if you have a preferred scoop or bowl or sieve at home, please bring it along.
There's an excellent bakery/sandwich/coffee shop to one side and ideal gift shopping at the bookstore opposite.
The more the merrier!
Terri Bates